Why Use Portfolio Coach?

Step 1: Subscribe to Portfolio Coach

If you are just starting out and do not have an online brokerage account start with the Bronze or Silver, you can always upgrade once you get more comfortable with trading. If you are an experienced investor then you may want to look at a Gold subscription which includes screening for Fundamentals and historically produces a significantly higher return.

Plans & Pricing

Step 2: Sign up for an online brokerage account

We highly suggest Robinhood since they have a no fees for trading. Since our strategy is based on active trading fees for these trades will reduce your returns. If you already have an online brokerage account you can skip this step.


Step 3: Pick your portfolio

Evaluate which of the more than 100 portfolios you want to follow. Once you decide look to see what stocks are held in that portfolio.

If a stock is “up” a significant amount you may want to wait to purchase it.

If a stock is “down” or has just recently been purchased then you may want to go ahead and purchase it in your existing online brokerage account.

Starting out and deciding which stocks to start with is the hardest step even for professional money managers.

Browse Portfolios

Step 4: Get your trades

Log in to Portfolio Coach anytime between noon PST Saturday and 6:30 am PST Monday morning to see the trades that we are making the next trading day. Evaluate these trades and make them if you want to have similar results to us.


Step 5: Execute your trades

Each portfolio has a potential of 10 stocks – when purchasing a stock you will want to use 10% of your total portfolio’s value.

If you have a $2,000 portfolio then you would buy shares worth $200 in a particular stock.

Log into your online brokerage account the first trading day of the week, usually Monday, and make the trades that you decided to do.


Not sure yet?

We make 100% of our custom built portfolios available to everyone. Feel free to browse around. The proof is in the numbers. The only thing you will not be able to see are the upcoming trades. Once you’re convinced Portfolio Coach is for you, the sign up process is quick and easy. You’ll be viewing this week’s trades in less than 5 minutes!

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